Increased the paging size of the expert grid under queue properties to 100 (#1414)
If a seeker request is transferred to another Queue then seeker question is displayed to the agents in the transferred Queue (#1407)
Fixed Issue: At times back/save buttons under agents list in Queue properties were greyed out. This prevented Managers from adding new agents to the Queue (#1390)
Fixed Issue: At times admins would receive false critical alerts for database connectivity failure (#1397)
Fixed Issue: If a seeker question contained HTML escape characters than seeker entry would not appear on live dashboards (#1412)
Fixed Issue: Vantage compliance system was not able to capture Chime chat transcripts (#1339)
Fixed Issue: System Dashboard charts list wasn't alphabetically sorted (#1368)
Added validations to the ID and Email field on Agent Add/Edit dialog (#1370 and #1411)
Added support for LDAP/Active Directory Service to search for agents and seekers in corporate directory (#1206)
Updated Admin Guide to include more information on routing properties and agent priority (#1417)
Queue level charts have been updated to support trend lines (showing target values for various metrics). Target values can be specified under Queue properties: (#1034)
Under Queue properties Service levels can be defined for Answered (ASA – Wait times) and Abandoned chats (Wait times – after which seeker closed chat session).
Service Level details are shown on:
Queue Dashboard (#1416) - Added in the following rows:
ANS within CSL- Total number of chats answered within specified service level
Abandoned > Service Level Threshold- Total number of chats that were abandoned after specified service level
CSL %- Total number of chats answered within specified service level/Total Answered Chats) * 100
% Abandoned > Service Level Threshold- (Total number of chats abandoned after specified service level/Total Abandoned Chats) * 100